Peculiar Buckets is a surreal comedy series that centers around a snowboy wearing a bucket on his head named Buckley; an innocent, inquisitive, and optimistic snowboy who is always willing to help out anyone when needed as Buckley takes on a ton of opportunities in order for him to earn himself alongside with his robot friend Newbio some money. The series is set in the city of Peppermont, located somewhere in Northern California, U.S.A. The series follows a similar format divided into three or two (depending on the episode's runtime) parts with the first being the part where Buckley and his friends goes on their daily activities across Peppermont oftentimes encountering many of the weird-situations and problems in their daily adventures.
Another segment focuses on a duo with a wise yellow rabbit named Joey and the only sane small sack bag with buttons on his face, a frying pan on his head, and two socks connected to his body named Shack. Unlike Buckley and his friends, Joey and Shack has their own perspective in their story as they tend to discuss/address many of the problems happening to their own perspective story oftentimes throwing off some fourth wall breaks and running gags that happens through their perspective story every now and then
The third segment focuses on Mr. Toaddis, who happens to be the leader of a Mafia gang. This segment unlike the two serves as a parody to most American crime-themed films, oftentimes leading into some running gags with a lampshade hanging humor slapped onto.